DCFS Parental Links
If you have any questions regarding DCFS , DCFS, please contact us for a FREE DCFS CONSULTATION.
There are several Illinois laws which directly impact the provision of child welfare services to abused, neglected or dependent children and their families.
DCFS Statures
• The Children and Family Services Act (CSFA)
CFSA specifies the general duties and responsibilities of the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services
• The Abused and Neglected Child Reporting Act (ANCRA)
ANCRA establishes the duties and responsibilities of the Department to investigate suspected child abuse or neglect
• The Juvenile Court Act (JCA)
JCA establishes the authority of the Juvenile Court to intervene with children and their families
• The Adoption Act (AA)
AA specifies the grounds for parental unfitness and procedures governing the adoption of children
• The Child Care Act (CCA)
CCA governs licensing and regulation of child welfare agencies, foster family homes, group homes, child care institutions
• The Interstate Compact on Adoption Act (ICAA)
ICAA governs the provision of medical care to children adopted in one state and who subsequently move to another state.
• The Emancipation of Mature Minors Act (EMMA)
EMMA provides a means by which a mature minor may obtain the legal status of an emancipated person.
If you are being investigated by DCFS, please contact us for a FREE DCFS CONSULTATION.